Local Authority Forum for Heat Networks (LAFHeN)
A Forum for Local Authorities to share good practices and discuss and work through common issues.
What is LAFHeN?
Through the facilitation of heat networks in their areas or by the development of heat networks through their wholly owned SPV’s, Local Authorities (LA’s) have a significant and leading role to play in the development of heat networks across the UK. However, LA’s across the UK are at very different levels of knowledge and development in relation to heat networks. There are a small number who are quite advanced, whereas many are at a very early stage in the journey.
Unlike private sector organisations who operate across the UK and in competition, LA’s will be focused on their own administrative area and operate in an environment where sharing knowledge and best practice is common practice. Therefore due to the widely differing levels of development and experience, we believe it makes sense to bring LA’s together in a Forum which provides a place where this can take place.
The purpose of LAFHeN is therefore to create a safe space for Local Authorities to share good practices and discuss and work through common issues
Due to the rapidly changing landscape in this sector no matter how far advanced a LA is, we believe there will be useful learning that can be gained by LA’s working together in such a Forum to discuss a wide range of issues affecting the Sector and LA’s in particular.
Who is LAFHeN for?
Attendance of LAFHeN is open to Officers from all Local Authorities across the UK and Personnel from LA owned Energy Companies. Private sector organisations will not be included, except by invitation to make presentations on particular topics to the group.
Will it take up a lot of LA Office time?
No, we meet a small number of times per year to receive presentations on, and discussed common issues, and current topics. At this time it is not planned that we will seek any time requirement from you other than at these meetings.
It is important to note that this Forum is being created for LA’s and the evolution of the Forum will be driven by its attendees, i.e. it will only continue for as long as LA’s wish to attend/believe it is adding value.
What can I expect from being Registered as a LAFHeN Member?
Not only will you be invited to the Member meetings during the year as well as receive specific and focused communications on relevant topics/events from the Secretary, you will also have full access to the website and its content which includes:
- LA Profiles – find out what other Members are currently working on in their area and where they may have a project or particular learning experience that might be helpful to you
- Case Studies – here you can find out more details on the specific projects that other Members across the UK are progressing and how what they have done or are planning to do may be applied to your own schemes
- Forum – confused, stuck on an issue or simply want help then either search our Members Forum for an answer or raise a question in the relevant topic. The Forum is being actively managed by the Secretary who will weekly raise with all members the questions that have been raised/remain unanswered to seek a response to your question
- Members – a list of all the LA Officers who are Members of LAFHeN
Supporters for LAFHeN
The concept behind LAFHeN has been supported by a number of organisations across the sector who have either identified the need for this Forum or wish to support its development, these include, BEIS, UKDEA, ADE, and Energy Hubs.
These organisations all support the creation of LAFHeN and have agreed to share details of LAFHeN with all their LA contacts to ensure the widest possible take up.
Secretariat and Structure
The UKDEA provides initial Secretariat Services to the Forum and will continue in this role until otherwise agreed by the LA Members.
Simon Woodward, Chairman of the UKDEA who is known by many LA’s across the UK is the Forum’s initial Chairman until any of the LA attendees wish to take this role.
This Forum has been created to support LA Officers in their involvement with and development of Heat Networks we hope you will take part!